Our Kubernetes Fundamental Trainings takes place every 2 weeks through our online meetup.
The fundamental trainings slides are available here.
Our Kubernetes Learning Resources are available here.
How to prepare for our Free Kubernetes Online Trainings?
For the best hands-on learning experience you need to install Minikube on your local machine and create an account on GCP with billing enabled or deploy a Kubernetes Cluster with Kops on AWS or with TK8 on AWS or OpenStack.
Note: using GKE or installing Kubernetes on AWS or OpenStack is optional, but for some exercises where we use Loadbalancers or persistent disks a cloud installation is needed.
If you don't have a GCP account and didn’t tried Google Kubernetes Engine for free, you can quickly get started with a $300 free credits. Please install gcloud SDK / CLI from here.
If you prefer to deploy Kubernetes on AWS or OpenStack, please follow our Kops Faststart guide or use our TK8 installer or the Kubespray Essentials.
If you'd like to run a X node Kubernetes Cluster locally with Kubeadm Vagrant (with VirtualBox provider), please follow this guide.
Get the code for the training
Checkout the code of Kubernetes By Example
$ git clone $ cd kbe/specs/
Checkout the code of Kubernetes By Action
$ git clone $ cd kubernetes-in-action/
Last updated