
Using Docker image

Create a new folder with a config file and the ssh keys and mount it to the docker container

Create a cluster

Adapt the config.yaml file to specify the cluster details. Example config:

   clustername: kubernauts
   os: centos
   aws_access_key_id: ""
   aws_secret_access_key: ""
   aws_ssh_keypair: ""
   aws_default_region: ""
   aws_vpc_cidr_block : ""
   aws_cidr_subnets_private : '["",""]'
   aws_cidr_subnets_public : '["",""]'
   aws_bastion_size : "t2.medium"
   aws_kube_master_num : 1
   aws_kube_master_size : "t2.medium"
   aws_etcd_num : 1
   aws_etcd_size : "t2.medium"
   aws_kube_worker_num : 1
   aws_kube_worker_size : "t2.medium"
   aws_elb_api_port : 6443
   k8s_secure_api_port : 6443
   kube_insecure_apiserver_address : ""
   kubeadm_enabled: false
   kube_network_plugin: "flannel"

Once done run:

vi config.yaml --> provide your AWS API credentials & an exsiting SSH keypair in AWS
docker run -v <path-to-the-AWS-SSH-key>:/root/.ssh/ -v "$(pwd)":/tk8 kubernautslabs/tk8 cluster install aws

Post installation the kubeconfig will be available at: $(pwd)/inventory/yourWorkspaceOrClusterName/artifacts/admin.conf

Do not delete the inventory directory post installation as the cluster state will be saved in it.

Destroy the provisioned cluster

Make sure you are in the same directory where you executed tk8 cluster install aws with the inventory directory. If you use a different workspace name with the --name flag please provide it on destroying too.

To delete the provisioned cluster run:

docker run -v <path-to-the-AWS-SSH-key>:/root/.ssh/ -v "$(pwd)":/tk8 kubernautslabs/tk8 cluster destroy aws

Last updated