
Provide the AWS credentials in following ways:

  • Environment Variables. You will need to specify AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, AWS_DEFAULT_REGION.




  • Modify values in config.yaml.example inside rke key. Supported options as of now:

cluster_name - name of cluster
node_os - operating system for nodes. Currently, ubuntu
rke_aws_region - AWS region to install the cluster in.
authorization - authorization in cluster. Possible values: `rbac`, `none`. Recommended is `rbac`
rke_node_instance_type - instance type for nodes. t2.micro is highly discouraged.
node_count - number of nodes to launch in cluster
cloud_provisioner - cloud provisioner for rke cluster. Currently, only aws is supported.


  cluster_name: "rke-tk8"
  node_os: ubuntu
  rke_aws_region: us-east-2
  authorization: "rbac"
  rke_node_instance_type: "t2.medium"
  node_count: 5
  cloud_provider: aws
  • After appropriate values are filled, run:

tk8 cluster install rke

Once the infrastructure and cluster is setup, kubeconfig file and rancher-cluster.yml file will be available at:

  1. kubeconfig - inventory/rke-tk8/provisioner/kube_config_cluster.yml

  2. rancher config - inventory/rke-tk8/provisioner/rancher-cluster.yml

  3. Now you can use the same kubeconfig file to interact with kubernetes with kubectl and use rancher-cluster.yml to interact with cluster using rke cli.

Note: Do not mv these files from this directory to somewhere else as these are stored in Terraform states. If required, make a copy.


  • For removing the rke cluster and keep the underlying infrastructure, run:

tk8 cluster remove rke

This is equivalent to rke remove --config rancher-cluster.yml.


  • This will destroy the complete infrastructure. Run:

tk8 cluster destroy rke

Note This is just a cluster provisioner, it will not install rancher-2.x on the cluster by itself. Use

tk8 addon install rancher

on the cluster.

Last updated